Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Stop and Smell the Roses....

Have you ever herd the phrase .. stop and smell the roses?

I'm sure most of you have. 
Today try just that, feel enjoyment race through you as you connect to all that is. 

Today lets take this guidance one step further, stop and smell the fragrance of these flowers and as you do let it enter your nostrils and right to your heart.  

Lets take the roses, don't you just love the smell? Now do you feel that loving feeling manifesting the love within? 

So today make a point to breath in this powerful scent. Find some sweet smelling ones and deeply inhale the gift of their essence, so that when your feeling down you  just have to remember to smell the Roses .. 

Love and Blessings,


Monday, April 22, 2013

Listen in the Stillness

Listen in the stillness for guidance...

You are never alone, especially in times of need.

The Spirit is with you, right next to you continuously sending you supportive and healing energy . As they await your request for help.  Just a thought on our part sends the Angels into action on your behalf .  

Angels see the solutions to every seeming problem.  They are so happy to guide you through the dark places in your life and then back into the light. They have a gentleness about them to help you feel good about yourself and your experiences .  They will also guide you to making the right decisions and find your answers .  

So take a moment to just go within in and breath let them help you to where you need to be .. 


Saturday, April 20, 2013

An Invitation to You...

Come and Join us each and every 
Tuesday and Thursday
2:00 p.m. eastern time
Become part of a Family, be part of New Beginnings with us as 
 Lizzystar and Adele Klaire 
journey from here to beyond 
and share what Spirit has to say.

Listen to internet radio with Almost Heaven on Blog Talk Radio

Thursday, April 18, 2013

Many Thanks....

 A great Big Thank You from Adele Klaire and Lizzystar Gillam to all that stopped in to help Launch Almost Heaven Radio as we embark on the new journey!!!!

Lots of fun and thank you for the patience while we iron out the growing pains! 

Tuesday, April 16, 2013


We don't come here to master unconditional Love. Unconditional love is where we come from and to where we shall one day return.   We came here to learn personal love, universal love, crazy love, broken love, whole love, infused with divinity. We didn't come here to be perfect for we already are. We came here to be gorgeously human, flawed and fabulous.  Then rising again into remembering,  Life is Love and Love is Life .. 

So every  time you are kind, every time you love, you are creating miracles.  You touch people's hearts encouraging them to do the same.


Lizzy Star 


Monday, April 15, 2013

From the Pen of Adele Klaire

I would like to take the opportunity to say a big thank you to all who have sent me messages of encouragement, love and support.Its truly amazing how much the show means to people 

I hope that you will all join us on Thursday as we go live with the new show. 
Blessings My Friends 

Adele Klaire


Almost Heaven Radio Count Down...4 days...

Almost Heaven Radio 
Returns This Thursday afternoon at 2 pm eastern Standard time to Blogtalk Radio...

Join with Lizzy Star, Adele Klaire and their guests as they help bridge the gap on 
Almost Heaven Radio bringing insight and answers to us here as we walk the physical. 

Thursday, April 11, 2013

Barbara DeLong Almost Heaven Radio April 25, 2013

Come and join us as Internationally renowned spiritual intuit, medium, channel, author, artist, lecturer and ordained minister, Barbara DeLong shares and visits.

The Connections… the paths of that journey we call Life.  Filled with twists and turns of what tomorrow brings, and footprints of the past. Come and explore with us…let us show you those connections, those pathways to the Spiritual…to reaching the Beyond… 

Share in the laughter, the triumphs, the tears and life story’s as Spirit reaches out to guide and reassure us that beyond the physical there is a whole new world. Join with Lizzy Star, Adele and their guests as they help bridge the gap on Almost Heaven bringing insight and answers to us here as we walk the physical.


Thoughts April 11, 2013

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Adele Klaire is a Natural Born Medium

Coming from a long lineage of Strong Women with the Gift, Great Grandmother, Grandmother and Mother, Adele Klaire is a Natural Born Medium!

With her natural love of people and connection with Spirit, Adele bridges the gap between the two giving what she is given from spirit as it is shared with her . Adele has a great affection for Truth.  Adele has not stepped out into the limelight with her gifts for she is very sensitive to people's emotions and the effect that Spirit has on them when they hear what is to be shared.  Adele has n understanding of life around her, and part of that connects her with Spirit in a very loving and knowing way. 

Adele Klaire has a tremendous gift and a very clear vision and relationship with the Spirit world she can hear them clearly. She will not sugar coat the truth, but will deliver the messages with respect and love.  A humble and spiritual soul, always ready to help where ever, whenever she is able.

So come and get to know Adele Klaire…as she continues her journey with her Mother Lizzy Star… every week on Almost Heaven Radio on BlogTalk Radio.  

Almost Heaven Radio                 

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

From Adele with Blessings...

May the warm winds of heaven 
blow softly upon your house,

May the Great Spirit bless all who enter there,

May your moccasins make happy tracks in many snows,

And may the rainbow always touch your shoulder...

 ~ Adele Klaire
Almost Heaven Radio

Daily Thoughts...

FAMILY like branches on a tree we all grow in different directions yet our roots remain the same 
 Blessings one and all,
 Lizzy Star