Thursday, October 31, 2013

Happy Halloween from Almost Heaven Radio!

We come and join us today at 2 pm eastern to the Halloween Party of the Airwaves....!!!
Bring your Treats, and listen to some cool tricks as we fill the airwaves with spellbound magic and a whole lot of Love!

Barbara DeLong will take you to a journey to our pasts, Anne Rose Illumination will stop in to Illuminate your mind! Lizzy Star will be there too, and Deb Schiller and bear who knows what they will be up to...Mwhahhahahahhaha.....

So stop in and remember to bring your we walk through the gates on Almost Heaven Radio!!!! 

Thursday, September 12, 2013

A Birthday Fit for a Star!

Well didn't think it could be done! 
But we did it...
and the Spirit World cooperated!

Happy Birthday Lizzy Star 
From all of your 
Extended family Here 
and in 
the Spirit World! 

Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Almost Heaven Radio...Hot August Nights!

Well we are into the Hot August days of Summer!  The Rev. Anne Rose Illumination joined us yesterday and WoWzeeeeeeeeeeerrrrrrrrrrrrrrssssssss what a show...! The messages brought through for the callers, touched us all.  More importantly was the discussion, the sharing that helps us all to grow as we walk the Human. Healing and sharing... supporting and encouraging is what we gather together for on each show. What a family we have.  

We want to thank you all for joining us each week, and bringing the energy up and that vibration of Love to each moment of the show.

If you didn't catch the show yesterday... you can play it here! And once again, thank you for tuning into Almost Heaven Radio!

Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Wow Where is the Summer Going?

Wow the days are moving so quickly... we are already into the hot August days of Summer!
and the Heat is continuing here at Almost Heaven Radio...!!!! We are still on the look out for sightings of Lizzy Star as she travels across the European Continent!

Our wonderful Guest Hosts including the delightful Barbara DeLong, has been graciously sitting in the Hot Seat and sharing her knowledge, insights and love with us all traveling through time to the Past Lives of our callers.

The fabulous Mr. Nick Fox, that Sharp Dressed Man from Down Under has also shared his light and love with all the listeners, and what a tremendous joy it is to hear him all the way from Australia as he has assisted callers with making those connections as well. 

A great shout out to Ms. Deb Schiller for manning the boards as bear lost the connections and power for a short time as well!
It has provided us for some insightful and healing times, and most of all our family continues to grow!

This month there will be more excitement in the house as Storm Cestavani stops in on August 15th to share more Tarot and Astrology with Us!!!  And later in the month  Andrew Dee will be popping over to have a spot of tea and share insights and take calls with Lizzy to help connect us all to Spirit!

We thank you all for sharing with us here on Almost Heaven Radio!

Listen to internet radio with Almost Heaven Radio on BlogTalkRadio

Thursday, June 20, 2013

Had To Get the Lyrics

My First Thoughts As I awakened …

I sat at the breakfast table singing, “Guess my heart has a mind of its own ...  Knowing myself so well,”  I just had to get the lyrics as I know there is always a message.   Well this took me right back to my first love, and yes this happened to me. So I decided to write them here just to see if any of you had this happen to you.

No matter what age, it would be so nice to hear your stories. So if this resonates with you, I'm happy.  As I sat down and went through a whole lot of wonderful memories and they brought a smile to my heart.

Ok here we go the lyrics ......        

I told this heart of mine our love could never be, but then I hear your voice and something stirs inside of me.   Somehow I can't dismiss the memory of your kiss.  Guess my heart has a mind of its own.   No matter what I do, no matter what I say, no matter how I try, I just can't turn the other way. 

When I'm with someone new I always think of you, guess my heart has a mind of its own.  You're not in love with me, so why can't I forget? I'm just your, " used - to - be  "  it's wrong and yet I know forgetting you would be a hopeless thing, for I'm a puppet and I just can't seem to break the string.  I say I'll let go but then my heart says no.   Guess my heart has a mind of its own...   

Well I hope this brings back some memories for you ... 

Many blessings,

Lizzy Star